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  • Sherree Russell

“First Aid Breathing” Helps reduce stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, and calm and focus the mind

The 4 -7- 8 Breaths technique:

Breathe IN through your NOSE to your mental count of 4

HOLD your breath for your count of 7

Breathe OUT completely through your MOUTH to your count of 8

Repeat THREE more times.


This technique is natural tranquilizer for the nervous system

The ratio of 4:7:8 is important but with practice you will be able slow it down and breathe more deeply.

Do not do more than four breaths at one time for the first month of practice.

Later you can extend it to eight breaths.

This technique can also be used to help you fall asleep naturally.

If you feel a little light-headed when you first do this exercise, don’t be worried that’s normal and will pass as you get used to breathing this way.

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